
150g +

Lozajt offered me 150g for a forum sign... Done deal.

It's not a header!

Its a BG!!!



5 days since i last posted a picture... I'd say its about time!

If you dont get the reference, get your ass to the cinemas and find out!


Ace banner nr... 3?

Yeah, with the new sign/avatar, the forum obviously needed a new header.


Updated my forum avatar/sign on the ace page...

Same ol' same ol'... Regularity restored etc.

It's another forum banner!


Omg, its not a forum header!

.. it's another background! ZOMG!!!

made 2 different versions, just for the sake of it.


Everyone can comment!

A friend gave me a headsup on this, apparently i only allowed google members to comment... And that's not good, i want everyone to be able to comment, anonymous if so :P ... I like criticism in everyway, so spam me some comments!


Ace background

I decided to do some sort of crestlike thing for Ace, so i could use it as a logo of sorts... But, didnt come up with anything cool, however, i did a background!

It's kinda big, 1280x1024.


Something new, and its not a forum header!!

... But its somewhat close! My "IRL" guild merged with another guild that's from the same town as the majority of our guild... And with that we changed name, from Violence (niiiiice) to Ace (nicer?), ive posted some forum headers already, but today i made a whole page. Have a look!


really basic html just to make it look like the forum, then an embedded flash file inside... i dont like html that much, mostly because im lazy :P ... but i have plans to make it abit more interactive later, but whats done now will have to do for a while.