
OMG new pic!

o rly? Yes, die owl... Im kinda satisfied with this one. I was going to make some stripes abd stuff in 3D, and then play around with some text etc... But it was easier to just say to hell with all and make them in photoshop... I love photoshop.


Another one..

So, made a new picture.. some funny brushes + a 3D text.


Keso für alles.

Hey, had some major slacking times this year, usually i make atleast 2-3 pictures a week. But lately ive done less than that. I managed to do some new forum avatar/signs this (late) evning though... PLayed around with a slightly animated .gif and some random sign :) enjoy!.


It's been a while!

So yeah, been abit busy IRL with me moving into Skellefteå and shizzle. Havent gotten Internet there yet, but im at my parents atm...

Havent done anything really new except this one logo, to the awesome band called One With Wonder. 2 guys from Byske who are simply awesome at what they do, you can hear clips from 3 songs on their myspace at www.myspace.com/OneWithWonder :D

Oh, and here's the logo:


Not really a picture..

But something related... kinda :P

Ive made the Ace homepage alot less Flash, and alot more HTML... Still looks the same (kinda), but now only the movie section is in flash.

Using old headers as you might see, will try to make some new specificly for the page later on...

Here's the url ace.zerokeso.com


Im back from the slack

Ive been really really really lazy with photoshop lately, havent felt like doing anything... But out of boredom this night i managed to do a new background for ace...

And one thing that i SHOULD have added, but just didnt, is a recoloring of the first ace background:


150g +

Lozajt offered me 150g for a forum sign... Done deal.

It's not a header!

Its a BG!!!



5 days since i last posted a picture... I'd say its about time!

If you dont get the reference, get your ass to the cinemas and find out!


Ace banner nr... 3?

Yeah, with the new sign/avatar, the forum obviously needed a new header.


Updated my forum avatar/sign on the ace page...

Same ol' same ol'... Regularity restored etc.

It's another forum banner!


Omg, its not a forum header!

.. it's another background! ZOMG!!!

made 2 different versions, just for the sake of it.


Everyone can comment!

A friend gave me a headsup on this, apparently i only allowed google members to comment... And that's not good, i want everyone to be able to comment, anonymous if so :P ... I like criticism in everyway, so spam me some comments!


Ace background

I decided to do some sort of crestlike thing for Ace, so i could use it as a logo of sorts... But, didnt come up with anything cool, however, i did a background!

It's kinda big, 1280x1024.


Something new, and its not a forum header!!

... But its somewhat close! My "IRL" guild merged with another guild that's from the same town as the majority of our guild... And with that we changed name, from Violence (niiiiice) to Ace (nicer?), ive posted some forum headers already, but today i made a whole page. Have a look!


really basic html just to make it look like the forum, then an embedded flash file inside... i dont like html that much, mostly because im lazy :P ... but i have plans to make it abit more interactive later, but whats done now will have to do for a while.


whoop whoop!

Yeah... Sorry, havent done anything fun today. A new header with another of Peter Lee's awesome enviormental concept art, and some new forum signature shit, but, i said id post everything, so here it goes:


And yet again...

.. More forum headers! ... Well, one is just a slightly different version of the previous ACE header, and the other is a new ACE header... Dont know if ill use any of them though.

Guess what ive made?

Aight, first picture of this week... Havent felt like doing anything lately, but today i saw some pretty cool artwork on mmo-champion.. So.. NEW HEADER!! :P

As always, nothing special... its basicly the artwork with some contrast tweeks and some random font with some random... stuffs... the spade is there as a mind tweeking connection to the guildname, can you see it? OMG! Ace of spades!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!..


New forum header.

So yeah, woke up kinda early today (8:00 am) and had nothing to do, so i finished of a new forum header for the In Excelsis Forum... Dont really like it, will probably change it soon...

I also realized that i havent posted the one i did before, so im pasting it below..

old one:

new one:



Not really, but havent been able to sleep anything. Poor attempt, but its hard when you've slept 12 hours the night before :) ... So, i did a little scribble scrabble MSN picture. Promised to post everything i do so, here it is.

Oh, forgot to explain it, the "have you ever seen the light" is just a bit out of The Killers song Sam's town, wich i strangely enough listened to while i made this :P ... Oh, and everything is made in Lé Photoshop.

The bronze kettle..

This picture actually has abit of a story to it. Im going to TRY to keep it short... But ill most likely fail :(

Anywho, our story starts last year when i was surfing around on the intranets, looking at porn and random forums. Actually neither of those, i was really checking out the pretty awesome WoW site MMO-champion, i usually do that, as i tend to slack when im sitting AFK in the game... So, what i found on the site was a link to this Charity raffle hosted by The Bronze Kettle, wich basicly was this lottery inside of wow who people donated real money to participate in. The money gathered through this would then be donated to Child's Play (Click the link to read about it, kinda awesome). So, the thing that caught my eye about all of it was this:

"We’ve got plans to procure more prizes before the raffle ends. If you have anything you’d like to donate as prize please contact us."

Yeah. I kinda hesitated at first, did'nt really think i could do anything good enough to be suited as a price. But i emailed the ones on TBK anyway, and told them that if they wanted it, i would gladly donate a cutomized logo/banner/signature or whatever. I posted a few picture's along with the email, to give them abit of an insight of what i can do...

After a few weeks i guessed that they did'nt really hook onto the idea... As i did'nt recieve any response. And i was fine about it, as i didnt really expect any ;)
But then at the start of january, i recieved an email stating the name and address of the winner of my price... I was pretty surprised, but apparently they DID like the idea, and had posted it on their blog rather then contacting me in person :)

And the point of all this walltext is, to show what the winner recieved :)
The winner (Jeff) wanted a forum signature, but he also wanted abit of customability in it, as he didnt have a really solid guild at the moment. So this was the outcome.

To be perfectly honest, i dont really like it... But he was satisfied with it, and that's what important! Felt kinda good to contribute to charity though :)

Forum signatures.

Iv'e done ALOT of signatures over the years... And still do quite a few. So without any apparent point to that, im going to post a few WOW related signatures, nothing special about them really.

Tools used: Photoshop CS2, WoW Modelviewer, Ingame screens from wow (© blizzard and stuffs.. alt+8888 is so much fun! ;P)


As promised...

Here are som recent stuffz ive done.

This is an old header ive done for the In Excelsis forum. Used some random WoTLK art from blizzard and some premade Illustrator stuff that a friend gave to me.

This is another forum header, for another WOW guild called ACE. The text is just a simple 3d render from 3dsmax that i played around with in photoshop. The wow models were taken from WoWmodelviewer.

It's tedious to insert pictures via blogger.com :( ... Gonna post some more later.

The beginning of something old. :D

Yeah, thought i should start things of by explaining the meaning of this. Im not going to start an blog writing about everyday life and stuff, there's plenty of that to go around as it is... Im going to make sort of a picture-blog, keeping track of pictures ive done (or shouldnt have). The idea is abit stolen from Chris blogfolio (radicaldreamer.se) wich is a cool idea, but this isnt going to be a portfolio of sorts... More a log of more or less welldone work ;)

So.. Going to post some recent pictures soon. As i havent got anything ultimately fresh to show.