
OMG new pic!

o rly? Yes, die owl... Im kinda satisfied with this one. I was going to make some stripes abd stuff in 3D, and then play around with some text etc... But it was easier to just say to hell with all and make them in photoshop... I love photoshop.


Another one..

So, made a new picture.. some funny brushes + a 3D text.


Keso für alles.

Hey, had some major slacking times this year, usually i make atleast 2-3 pictures a week. But lately ive done less than that. I managed to do some new forum avatar/signs this (late) evning though... PLayed around with a slightly animated .gif and some random sign :) enjoy!.


It's been a while!

So yeah, been abit busy IRL with me moving into Skellefteå and shizzle. Havent gotten Internet there yet, but im at my parents atm...

Havent done anything really new except this one logo, to the awesome band called One With Wonder. 2 guys from Byske who are simply awesome at what they do, you can hear clips from 3 songs on their myspace at www.myspace.com/OneWithWonder :D

Oh, and here's the logo:


Not really a picture..

But something related... kinda :P

Ive made the Ace homepage alot less Flash, and alot more HTML... Still looks the same (kinda), but now only the movie section is in flash.

Using old headers as you might see, will try to make some new specificly for the page later on...

Here's the url ace.zerokeso.com


Im back from the slack

Ive been really really really lazy with photoshop lately, havent felt like doing anything... But out of boredom this night i managed to do a new background for ace...

And one thing that i SHOULD have added, but just didnt, is a recoloring of the first ace background:


150g +

Lozajt offered me 150g for a forum sign... Done deal.

It's not a header!

Its a BG!!!



5 days since i last posted a picture... I'd say its about time!

If you dont get the reference, get your ass to the cinemas and find out!


Ace banner nr... 3?

Yeah, with the new sign/avatar, the forum obviously needed a new header.